Isaac Goes Beserk

When I called Augustus today, I could hear violent sobbing in the background.  He asked me to come over because Isaac was having a breakdown.  

When I got there, I saw Isaac and Augustus in the basement playing blind video games and Isaac was not doing well. 

 Isaac is losing his eye, the only one he has left. He has to have his eye removed so that he can be cancer-free.  When his girlfriend, Monica, found out she broke up with him because apparently she can't deal with having a blind boyfriend. You might think that Isaac would be devastated because he was going to be blind, but all he could talk about was Monica.

 “Pain demands to be felt,” Augustus said, which was a line from An Imperial Affliction! Isaac was very upset but he kept playing the video game and bawling. Then he went berserk and started kicking things until Augustus sort of encouraged him to start destroying all of Gus’s basketball trophies. I guess it helped get his anger and sadness out, and Augustus didn’t mind.