Gus’s Genie Wish

You won’t believe it! Van Houten has responded to my email and he has invited Gus and me to Amsterdam, to talk with him about An Imperial Affliction.  I didn’t think we could go because with all the medical bills and stuff, we can’t afford to. It occurred to me that the reason my parents had no money was me. I'd sapped the family savings with Phalanxifor copays, and Mom couldn't work because she had taken on the full-time profession of Hovering Over Me.  

But Augustus showed up in the driveway with a bouquet of orange flowers and we went on a little picnic with a bunch of orange foods.  I knew he was up to something, but then he finally spilled the beans. 

He told me he hadn’t used his Genie wish from the Genie Foundation, an organization that helps sick kids get one wish, and that he was going to use it to take us both to Amsterdam to meet Van Houten. I can’t believe it!  I’m going to Amsterdam with Gus!!