Disappointed in Amsterdam

We went to visit Van Hooten.  I got dressed in my Rene Magritte print t-shirt, jeans and converse sneakers like the character Anna does in An Imperial Affliction.  

When we rang the bell, this heavy older man with sagging jowls opens the door and was so rude!  He said the invitation to visit him was rhetorical and he didn’t expect us to show up.  Then he went on to say that I was being dependent on people’s pity and I was a side effect of evolution!  I couldn’t help myself I smacked that scotch glass right out of his hand!  He is a pompous drunk! 

His assistant, Lidewij, who had been nothing but polite and apologetic tried to stop him from being such a jerk.  We left disgusted and disappointed.  But I guess he just wasn’t the same man he was when he wrote An Imperial Affliction.